How effective is e-mail marketing in 2014?

There are many companies who completely avoid e-mail marketing when it comes to establishing an online presence. While we may think of the idea of e-mail as being a bit outdated, the truth is e-mail has become more accessible and therefore more popular making it an even more effective means for marketing. When we look at the year 2014 we kind of take e-mail for granted but the truth is trends for the current year as well as the near future in e-mail marketing look very positive.
The numbers certainly do not lie in it comes to conversion channels on e-mail content. Next to organic searches e-mail content still sits at the second highest conversion rate and the second highest percentage of customers that turn into sales from a direct link. This means that e-mail is still the top way that you can receive new customers beating out facebook, twitter and any other online marketing tool.
E-mail also remains as one of the best online marketing tactics for return on investment. While many companies sink money into an online social media strategy, just a few dollars spent on e-mail marketing could bring the same level of success and sales. Current statistics would suggest that for every dollar spent on e-mail marketing, roughly $40 is made in eventual sales.
In recent analytic studies from Forbes magazine, e-mail marketing also tends to attract customers who are willing to shop more and spend more on e-commerce websites. Because e-mail marketers spend time building up their e-mail lists with targeted customers, this means that the customer is following through with the links in e-mail marketing are instantly ready to shop and are attracted to the products in the inventory. This could be perhaps because they’ve ordered before, are members of the newsletter, or have signed up in one of the blog posts or discount forms. Users who find their way to the page 30 e-mail links spend more time on an e-commerce website and more time spent on the website will eventually lead to better sales especially when there is convincing copy and sales strategies employed on the product webpage.
Part of the reason for e-mail marketing’s recent success could lie in mobile e-mail marketing as well. More and more people are checking their e-mail via mobile phone every single day. According to E consultancy, roughly 88% of people with a mobile phone are checking their e-mail daily on their smart phone. With easy access to payment, the web, and e-mail all on smart phones it’s easier to reach people with e-mail marketing throughout the day and with the use of promotions and a sense of urgency this can convert into sales on mobile platforms.
As we can see e-mail marketing should continue to go strong in 2014. Is trends would suggest for the future, e-mail marketing can only work to become more effective. Because people are more easily reached through mobile phones, and with its targeted popularity e-mail marketing is a safe bet marketing strategy for the future.
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By: Sarah Marshall
Sarah is the Social Media Manager at MonsterMail. You can follow her on twitter - @RealMonsterMail
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