Why does a startup company need e-mail marketing?

One of the first things that any startup company needs to accomplish is brand recognition. An today’s marketing world one of the best ways that you can accomplish true brand recognition without having to blow your marketing budget is through online marketing efforts. While many startups will instantly think about social media marketing it’s very important to consider all options and look towards the online marketing and e-commerce Goldmine of e-mail marketing.
E-mail marketing is a tactic that has been used for many years and while some may associate e-mail marketing with spam, online marketers and business owners associate e-mail marketing with an amazing return on investment for every marketing dollar spent.
According to a leading professional e-commerce marketing service, e-mail traffic still stands as being the second-largest source of online visitors to shopping and e-commerce websites with the front runner being search engines. Many would estimate that the ratio of dollars spent the dollars earned from proper, professional e-mail marketing is roughly one dollar for $40 in return profits. With clear statistics on the value of e-mail marketing it’s clear that any startup simply can’t afford to pass up the opportunity to market their products and their brand through e-mail marketing.
Ultimately an e-mail address can bring about much more engagement than you would find across social media as well. One active e-mail address could mean targeted content for years and e-mail is a one-on-one communication system meaning that people don’t need to be embarrassed about asking you questions about your product and can feel a more personalized sense of communication than they might find on social media. For a start up company creating these personalized dialogues is very important and building your relationship with a few early customers is how you’re going to succeed in your marketplace.
Ascertaining these e-mails is a startup company can be a bit of a challenge and likely there are some professionals available to help you generate targeted e-mail lists. You can utilize professional services or if you are cash strapped as a startup company you can create online contests as well as newsletters that can help you to very quickly build a appropriate e-mail list of interested individuals who you can contact with your products and services. Something as simple as a ticket giveaway or a giveaway of one of your products on your website could be just what you need to start gaining a few e-mails. Adding a promo code or discount on your website for individuals who are interested in signing up for a newsletter is another great tactic that you can use to build your e-mail marketing list and ensure ongoing sales when you launch new products.
The good news for a startup company is that e-mail marketing is also highly trackable meaning that you can gauge interest on your marketing tactics, branding and various products that you have to offer based off of the analytics that you track in each e-mail marketing campaign. This means that you can adjust all aspects of your start up company to become more successful and for a price that’s far less expensive than some traditional forms of marketing.
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By: Sarah Marshall
Sarah is the Social Media Manager at MonsterMail. You can follow her on twitter - @RealMonsterMail
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