Using coupon codes to generate e-mail marketing leads

When you set up an online store most payment options allow you to implement the use of promotional codes to offer up discounts on your products. The good news about these promotional codes is that you can set exactly when they are active by date, by total number of codes that can be used as well as have several different promo codes available for your products at any one time. Potential customers are always on the lookout for great promotional codes that they can use to receive small discounts on their favorite products. Many companies use these promotional codes to not only generate interest about their product but also as a means to build e-mail lists and marketing leads.
By offering up a promotional code for signing up for an e-mail newsletter, there will be a far greater chance that an individual might sign up or provide you with their e-mail for your e-mail marketing list. The discount doesn’t have to be massive either, in fact most find a discount of even 5 to 10% just enough incentive to subscribe to an e-mail marketing list or to receive updates from a company. The promise of ongoing coupon codes or an introductory coupon code can be a great way that you can expand your e-mail list quickly and you can utilize this tactic after the initial sign up as well.
Coupon codes can be given out through e-mails to increase a sense of urgency for the sale of products as well. As you send out marketing e-mails to your targeted contact list you can issue coupon codes that are only redeemable for the first 25 or 50 customers who are able to utilize the code in your store. This can create a real sense of urgency as soon as your e-mail is opened and can help you to increase conversion rates on your regular e-mail marketing campaigns. Offering up coupon codes through your e-mail marketing campaigns will also help you expand your list as well.
Because e-mails are easy to forward and if your loyal customers get used to you giving away regular coupon codes as incentive for signing up and following your newsletter, you are bound to see some organic traffic to your website from friends, colleagues and family members who are interested in getting in on the exact same deal.
While you may lose out on a bit of money when it comes to the discounts offered, the amount of money that you can make up in sales and new sales leads completely justifies giving a 10 to 15% discount on your most popular products. Ongoing coupon codes can also increase the open rate on your promotional e-mails that do not contain coupon codes. This means that more of your marketing leads will be checking your e-mails and reading over your powerful sales copy generating a large amount of full price sales from e-mail marketing campaigns as well.
As you can see the use of coupon codes can be highly effective with e-mail marketing campaigns.
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By: Sarah Marshall
Sarah is the Social Media Manager at MonsterMail. You can follow her on twitter - @RealMonsterMail
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